Monday, May 13, 2013

It's time for ALL senators to impeach obama

Senator John McCain 

has defended obama.  I can see his point to not stir the pot and be blamed for discord.  However, he must no longer stand for a Traitor like obama.

As a constituent 

I am calling for obama's impeachment RIGHT NOW! I believe he has destroyed many more lives of adults & children in America, than any world war before us today.

Defenders of obama are traitors 

Anyone at this point in time who defends obama is a Traitor in my book. The time is at hand to show where your alliances are. Are you an american first, or a supporter of EVIL?

Americans are NOT stupid

Does obama really expect the american people to believe that he is that incompetent that he didn't know about #FastAndFurious #Benghazi #PhoneTaps #IRS & much more that we don't know about.yet?

Does it matter if it is incompetence or not at this point?  He put those B@zt3rds in: Eric Holder, should be held responsible for #FastAndFurious, #PhoneTaps, etc, Hillary Clinton should be held responsible for #Benghazi, #Drones, etc.

A cleansing needs to start at the top (obama) and work their way down as obama and and his crew are purveyors of EVIL and have oppressed the American People enough.

Of course obama was hoping that he had caused a Republican, Tea Party member or Patriot to have snapped when Boston came around, because he has done everything legal and illegal to destroy the Republican party.  This is NO difference, when the democrats created the KKK to instill fear on the republicans and obama is the biggest terrorist of all.


If this isn't fixed, then why should WE the american people pay taxes? I for one, am tired of being kicked around by the White House.

What can I do if the senate doesn't begin Impeachment 

If action, #Impeachment of obama, does not occur in the senate in the coming days of May, then in June, I will stop paying my taxes, until April 15th 2014 when I must settle-up, and I will do so under duress as an unwilling participant of this horrible corruption we call the obama presidency.

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